Join us for Grandparents Week!
(September 8 - 14, 2024)
HAPPENING NOW - The Ultimate Virtual Celebration for Grandparents!
We experienced record-setting attendance at Grandparents Week last year with thousands tuning in from all over the world. Big thanks to all who participated, including our guest experts and event partners (whom you can see below). It's become the largest online celebration and educational event for grandparents of its kind!
Don't miss Grandparents Week 2024!
(September 8 -14, 2024)
There is much more in store for you this year. In addition to hearing from around a dozen world-class presenters, we're adding some exciting showcases, giveaways, and other surprises!
It's 100% online, so you can participate from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
General admission is free in order to make this event accessible and to honor all grandparents. Sign up to be registered for Grandparents Week 2024 so you can be entered into pre-event giveaways and receive important event updates.
FEATURED GIVEAWAY: Enter to Win a Learning Adventure on One of Seven Continents
Through our partnership with Road Scholar, when you register for Grandparents Week AND check the box to receive updates from sponsors, you'll be automatically entered to win one of seven learning adventures of a lifetime for two people, including airfare, on one of seven continents. You can read the full terms of the Great Global Giveaway here.
Register below to claim your complimentary pass!
"I am amazed at the amount of support and ideas this week provided me in my role as a grandparent. I would definitely recommend attending Grandparents Week!"
~Grandma Wendy

Meet this year's speakers
We're thrilled to bring you this incredible roster of world-class thought leaders and grandparent advocates:

Dr. Kerry Byrne
Founder, The Long Distance Grandparent
"Connect with Grandkids at Any Age and Distance"

Rachel Haack
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Intern
"Getting Along with The Parents of Your Grandchildren"

Aaron Larsen
Founder, GrandparentsAcademy.com
"The Grandparent Evolution - Help Your Family Thrive in Today's World"

Richard & Linda Eyre
NY Times #1 Bestselling Authors
"The T.E.A.M. Approach to Proactive Legacy Grandparenting"

Dr. Marsha McLean
Founder, Grandmas2.0
"Becoming a 2.0 Grandma - Mixing Fashion, Fitness & Fun"

Neil Taft
Great-Great Grandfather & Author
"Going from Good to Great Grandparenting"

Deanna Shoss & Jerry Witkovsky
Authors - "Where Two Worlds Meet"
"Deepening Relationships with Teenage Grandchildren"

Lynnae Allred
Author, Editor, and Oral History Interviewer
"50 Great Photos to Outlive Me"

Jim Tracy
Founder, The Grampion
"The Keys to Multi-generational Harmony"

Kristen Coffield
Founder of Active Grandparenting and The Culinary Cure™
"Essential Tips for Active Grandparenting"

Cathi Nelson
Founder, The Photo Managers
"Grandpreneurship Via Photo Management"

Ana Beltran
Director, Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network (Generations United)
"Resources for Raising Grandchildren"
Thank you to our partners!
We're grateful to our partners for helping us bring this one-of-a-kind event to you at no cost.
Gold Sponsor
Media Sponsor
Organizational Partners
Interested in partnering as a sponsor for Grandparents Week 2024? Contact [email protected] to learn about opportunities.